
Le Corbusier

Arguably the greatest Modern Architect of all time, Le Corbusier was actually born Charles-Edouard Jeanneret-Gris in Switzerland in 1887.  In his early years he traveled extensively throughout Europe, and ended up working for Auguste Perret, the French pioneer of reinforced concrete in Paris. It is thought that while working in Germany for architect Peter Behrens, he may have met Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Walter Gropius who would also become pioneers of modern architecture.

Le Corbusier later worked with his cousin Pierre Jeanneret which is when his ideas began to take physical form, mainly as houses which he created as “a machine for living in” and which incorporated his trademark five points of architecture. During World War II, Le Corbusier worked on theories of Utopian ideals as well as the scale of his modular buildings.

Le Corbusier worked on planning committees for Algiers and other cities which were rejected, then as his post-war buildings were built they took on industrialized forms which utilized brute concrete and articulated structures. In 1947, he began work on the Unité d’Habitation in Berlin which is one of his most famous buildings, but which also has received much criticism throughout the years. Le Corbusier worked on a number of projects in Chandigarh, India, which all used similar materials and sculptural forms. In these buildings he brought back the recessed structural column, the expressive staircase, and the flat undecorated plane of his celebrated five points of architecture, combined with the use of brute materials.

Not only does Le Corbusier’s work still impact today’s architecture, but his writings, drawings and quotes are still cherished. Here are some samples of his quotes and buildings.

“I prefer drawing to talking. Drawing is faster, and leaves less room for lies.”

“A house is a machine for living in.”

“The home should be the treasure chest of living.”

“To create architecture is to put in order. Put what in order? Function and objects.”

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Unité d'Habitation

Unité d'Habitation

High Court in Chandigarh, India

High Court in Chandigarh, India

National Museum of Western Art in Tokyo, Japan

National Museum of Western Art in Tokyo, Japan

Centre Le Corbusier - Zürich

Centre Le Corbusier - Zürich

Villa Savoye - Poissy France

Villa Savoye - Poissy France

The Open Hand Monument Chandigarh, India

The Open Hand Monument Chandigarh, India