Tags archives: bars

Drinking in Style: The 5 Most Design-Forward & Inviting Hotel Bars in the World

Just because you can’t afford to stay in a luxury hotel, doesn’t mean you can’t swing by and drink in one. Some of the best hotels in the world are also known for having some of the most design-forward and inviting bars in the world. And while we love sports bars and dive bars almost any night of the week (or every night of the week, really), every on[...]

Drinking in Style: The 5 Most Design-Forward & Inviting Hotel Bars in the World

Just because you can’t afford to stay in a luxury hotel, doesn’t mean you can’t swing by and drink in one. Some of the best hotels in the world are also known for having some of the most design-forward and inviting bars in the world. And while we love sports bars and dive bars almost any night of the week (or every night of the week, really), every on[...]

The Bar Bathroom

The crack editorial team at Styleture has a penchant for gravitating towards stories revolving around bar, pub and tavern style. You may have enjoyed our recent post – Books & Bars: L.A.'s Thirst for Literature. Don’t worry, we’re in control of our imbibing and there’s not a DUI among us. So we’re going to continue with this crowd-pleasing trend… Rust[...]

Books & Bars: L.A.'s Thirst for Literature (and Style)

When you think of Los Angeles, books and literature are probably not the first things that come to mind. Possibly sun, beaches, earthquakes, riots and even screenplays enter your imagination, but certainly not bound hardcover classics that create an atmosphere of intellectualism and sophistication. Maybe not even pulpy paperbacks that sell for a shiny quarte[...]

Books & Bars: L.A.'s Thirst for Literature (and Style)

When you think of Los Angeles, books and literature are probably not the first things that come to mind. Possibly sun, beaches, earthquakes, riots and even screenplays enter your imagination, but certainly not bound hardcover classics that create an atmosphere of intellectualism and sophistication. Maybe not even pulpy paperbacks that sell for a shiny quarte[...]